Beamng replay
Beamng replay

  1. Beamng replay mod#
  2. Beamng replay update#
  3. Beamng replay pro#
  4. Beamng replay mods#
  5. Beamng replay code#

  • Improved node grab: (Middle-Click to use 'fixed' node grab).
  • Choosing the correct tire for the surface is more important now, as off road tires will perform well off road but not so much on asphalt, and slicks will be great on asphalt but practically useless in mud. Tires have a tread coefficient that represents how well treaded the tire is (Slick = 0, mud tire = 1) we multiply this against a roughness coefficient in each ground type (mud has a high roughness, asphalt has very little) this means that a mud tire now works well in mud but mediocre on pavement, a slick works well on pavement but horribly on mud.
  • Tire "treadCoef" + ground model "roughness" friction properties.
  • It can also reduce loss of grip at high speeds (250+km/h) to a basically negligible amount. When used in wheels, this improves steering response and makes the tire less likely to be shocked loose from the road by sudden input or a bump etc. This allows them to be more sticky in transient situations. Nodes have a new "softnessCoef" property, which changes the rubber's hysteretic behavior. Increased aero drag to compensate for reduced rolling resistance

    Beamng replay code#

    Rolling resistance reduced another 10-30% by improving the node to ground collision code Vehicles, especially tall ones, are less likely to roll after hitting curbs or off camber situations, because the extreme camber reduces the grip through load sensitivity on the outside tire nodes. Camber affects maximum grip in a more accurate way, because loading the outside tire nodes excessively, reduces grip due to load sensitivity. Cars can brake/accelerate with some 5-10% more force than they corner, because the wheelbase is longer than track, weight transfer reduces grip less in the longitudinal direction. The cars behavior and balance at the limit is more progressive, cars do not "tank slap" as much when trying to recover from a slide This means less inside wheel spin with throttle in corners. Lightly loaded tires have comparably more traction. Tire's overall grip is reduced with increased load Load sensitivity node properties are "noLoadCoef", "fullLoadCoef" and "loadSensitivitySlope"

  • Node friction load sensitivity (WIP-Not all tires yet):.
  • Bananabench works again, it tests now up to 20 vehicles.
  • It defines (in radians) the angle where the lift will begin to stall
  • Added "stallAngle" property to triangles.
  • Added airfoil lift curve approximation to triangle' aerodynamics simulation (using lift and stallAngle triangle properties).
  • Improved aerodynamic lift and drag curves.
  • It defines the force (per area) that needs to be applied for the ground to start yielding
  • Added "shearStrength" groundmodel coefficient.
  • It is more accurate now, but groundmodels will need to be adjusted
  • Rewrote mud/sand subsystem to use the same information as aerodynamics (in a non-newtonian fluid medium).
  • Increased accuracy of wheel/rotator angular velocity calculations, they are accurate now even for "heavy" use cases that require high precision.
  • Fixed instability with high lift coefficients in water.
  • This fixes static collision clipping problems with collision meshes containing degenerate triangles
  • Static collision subsystem filters out degenerate (zero area) triangles.
  • It allows finer control of the sliding friction curve
  • Added "stribeckExponent" and "stribeckVelMult" to node properties.
  • Added slidingFrictionCoef node property that acts like a multiplier only on the sliding friction of a node.
  • Beamng replay mods#

    Adjustments might be needed for vehicle mods with misplaced nodes

  • Improved inter-vehicle collisions, anti-sticking works now for both front and back triangle faces.
  • beamng replay

  • Improved stability of heavy object collisions (carrying heavy rocks case).
  • Significant physics core optimizations (more than 30% faster) and improvements ( see here for more details).
  • Improved tires and suspension for some cars (more coming).
  • Beamng replay mod#

  • Added new vehicle – Ibishu Hopper (more mod parts and variants coming in the next update).
  • Beamng replay pro#

    Das bedeutet, pro Arbeitstag wurden im Durchschnitt 47 Änderungen vorgenommen.

    Beamng replay update#

    Der Download geschieht wie üblich direkt über Steam.Īls Randnote sagt BeamNG, dass an dem Update 33 Personen verteilt über die gesamte Welt gearbeitet haben und insgesamt 3742 Änderungen durchgeführt wurden. Einen vollständigen Überblick bietet das untenstehende Changelog.

    beamng replay

    Dazu zählen neue Szenarios, neue Fahrzeuge, neue Funktionen und vieles mehr. Enthalten sind eine riesige Liste Optimierungen und Verbesserungen sowie beseitigter Fehler und natürlich gibt es auch wieder zahlreiche neue Inhalte. Für BeamNG Drive wurde ein wahrlich umfangreiches Update auf Version 0.9 veröffentlicht.

    Beamng replay